In poker what is a donkey

Braying Like a Donkey. January 29th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments. When it comes to gaining an edge in online poker, nothing is too far-fetched.We want to look like we know what we’re doing so other players are intimidated and won’t want to mess around when they’re in a hand with us.

Mar 28, 2019 · Meaning of the Poker Term Donkey. The term is often applied to a player that beats another player who has a strong hand. For example, a player holding A-A who is beaten by a player holding 7-2 who continues to bet and makes two pairs, a set or a flush, especially when they make the winning hand on the river after one or more raises. Urban Dictionary: poker donkey A poker donkey is a gambler. Not just any old gambler though. The poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven high flush, and miracle full-house after a fourth street flush. The poker donkey is a terrible gambler. The poker donkey will gamble with incorrect odds and hit their miracle card. So What exactly is a Donkey? - Learning Poker - CardsChat™ Donkey is a ppl when call with shit cards a big Raise, Example:NL$10.$25 I raise to $1.5 and donkey call with 84 off suited, and he get straight in the flop and crack my Kings. Donkey is another word word an ATM but at the poker table. Game: Horse. Donkey …

The Donk Bet in Online Poker - Learn2Holdem

What Does the Term Donkey Mean in Poker? - ThoughtCo The donkey has long been a symbol of stubbornness and ignorance or limited intelligence. In the world of poker, these traits can easily play out at the poker table. Typical plays that can attract the label as donkey moves are calling every hand, continuing to call while holding poor cards, and going all-in on a poor hand. So What exactly is a Donkey? - Learning Poker - CardsChat™ The poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven high flush, and miracle full-house after a fourth street flush. The poker donkey is a terrible gambler. The poker donkey will gamble with ...

What is a donkey? Here are some definitions.A fool. (nautical) A small auxiliary engine, also called donkey engine. ( poker) A bad poker player.Indeed, he discovered on Saturday evening that you know you are there when you see the zonkey, the zebra's offspring with a donkey.

poker donkey – Defining Anything the poker donkey has replaced the poker fish. in the olden days of poker (before 1999) the bad players were called fish. now a days theya poker donkey is a bad player, or is he? a poker donkey is a gambler. not just any old gambler though. the poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven... What is a Donkey? (with pictures) What is a Donkey? When a jack or male is crossed with a mare, the result is a mule.Archaeological evidence suggests that the modern donkey is probably a domestic version of the African wild ass, Equus asinus, and they are known by the same scientific name to reflect this. What Is Poker Donkey? A Poker Donkey refers to players that constantly play badly, lose fortunes and still think they are the champs of all time!

What does poker donkey mean in Urban Dictionary?

Urban Dictionary: donk bet In poker, donk betting means betting out of position (you must act first) without the betting initiative (you did not make the last bet or raise on the previous betting round.) It's typically considered an unorthodox and unusual move because the traditional play after passively calling a bet out of position would be to check the next round--a donk How Do You Play Poker Against a Donkey?, by | Creators

Donkey Dodgers Poker - Posts | Facebook

While "donk" or "donk bet" technically refer to a specific type of bet, they are more commonly used to refer to any sort of terrible bet. A donk bet can actually be a good move, depending on the situation. Some donk bets are premeditated stop-and-go bets. Related Terms. Donkey, Fish, Donkament, Calling Station what is a monkey in poker terms? - General Poker Forum ... Yeah that is what I thought but I said I know what a donkey is and then he said you must not play a lot of poker if you dont know what a monkey is. Difference between Fish and Donkey - Beginning Poker ... In my understanding a fish is a loose passive player. There is no such thing as an aggressive fish. A donkey on the other hand, is just a really bad player. Urban Dictionary: poker donkey

Donkey Poker Meaning - Poker E La Matematica 6 Aug 2014 A poker donkey is a gambler, a terrible gambler Don't bluff Every memorable poker story seems to involve a world class bluff, and while it is an important strategy to employ against seasoned opponents, you can't bluff a donkey. Donk - Donkey Plays in Poker